Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama's speech on March 18

Well, I guess the rumor that Obama is Muslim is finally dispelled!

I had pretty much decided that I was voting for McCain because I'm more concerned about the future of the unborn than the victims of American imperialism. I figure that the war will eventually be dragged to an end, but I am less optimistic about the unborn. So I have planned to vote to give whatever help there can be in reenforcing their right to life. Many years ago I voted against Carter for the same reason.

But. This was a superb speech. It had compassion and intelligence. It was made by someone who would do this country credit as president. It was about race, something people don't often speak about in mixed company. It was about unity. It was made by someone I would be proud to present to the world as our head of state.

Now I wonder. Will my vote help the unborn? Did the "religious right" accomplish anything when it was in power? I would vote for Jimmy Carter in a hearbeat now. We need true compassion and intelligence.


ShaneBertou said...

"Well, I guess the rumor that Obama is Muslim is finally dispelled!"

Well, it was dispelled 20 years ago when he joined his church. Or at least since 2006, when he spoke explicitly about his conversion to Christianity in "The Audacity of Hope." It's been dispelled a billion times over, it just seems some people don't want to listen. ;-)

"Did the "religious right" accomplish anything when it was in power?"

I give you credit for being willing to ask that question. I've come to a point where I honestly believe that the abortion issue exists in the political realm merely for the purpose of polarizing voters and solidifying the core of voters. Both sides are equally guilty.

So when Obama tells Christianity Today that...

"I don't know anybody who is pro-abortion. I think it's very important to start with that premise. I think people recognize what a wrenching, difficult issue it is. I do think that those who diminish the moral elements of the decision aren't expressing the full reality of it. But what I believe is that women do not make these decisions casually, and that they struggle with it fervently with their pastors, with their spouses, with their doctors.

Our goal should be to make abortion less common, that we should be discouraging unwanted pregnancies, that we should encourage adoption wherever possible. There is a range of ways that we can educate our young people about the sacredness of sex and we should not be promoting the sort of casual activities that end up resulting in so many unwanted pregnancies."

... he sounds to me like someone who thinks that bringing both sides together is the answer to bringing about positive change. Even on an issue as polarizing as abortion.

Anonymous said...

I lived in the USSR for a time (while it was still communist). Between that and my time studying econ in B-school, I am pretty much a small government kind of person. I will be interested in hearing Obama's views on the role of gov, but if he is as liberal as they say, I have another reason to go with McCain (other than life issues). The gov is just about the most inefficient organ for fixing social ills around.