Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Happy news
I went to the doctor yesterday and had my hips x-rayed. What a surprise to find out that they were normal. "Normal" is the word the surgeon used! I was so happy to know I would not spend another summer in the hospital.
So I have bursitis. Yes it's very painful. But the good news made me feel better immediately.
I also can quit taking Darvocet. I got new pain medicines.
I had a pretty good day back at work today. I covered more than seven classes and there are only seven periods. LOL. I really was running around, so it was a good test of pain meds.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Recited at the local National Association of Multicultural Educators conference a few days after the shootings at Virginia Tech
by Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Pain and doing
get up and do it.
When I had that luxury, I took it very much for granted. I didn't get
up to do as much as I think I'd like to now.
Here's what I want to get up and do today:
1. shower/dress
2. Water plants
3. Wash dishes and prepare meals for the coming week
4. Take out last bags of laundry
5. Put a lawn chair in my car (to use when I fold laundry)
6. Pick up cheezy bread at the Portuguese restaurant
7. Volunteer at the board of education's Professional Development
Center open house
8. Do laundry at the laundromat
9. Bring up briefcase from the car (has job applications)
10. Fill out job applications
I'll probably not do 2,3,4,8, 9,10,
I might do the laundry that Alicia (who offered to do some cleaning
Monday) already put in the car.
I'll probably get online and teach some English. This I can do lying
I could also gather data for job applications - that is always a
tedious chore. Hooray for my CD cataloging program! Hmm, maybe
there's some cataloging to update.
I've had two epidurals that haven't seemed to work at all. (Most of
the previous ones worked well) Then I have a pain pill. I don't like
the side effects. It's not too good for the pain either, although it
makes me care less. I took one this morning.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Re: feelings
Monday, April 9, 2007
bloggishness of gratitude
weirdly snowy and cold day and the scouts were having a bbq chicken
fundraiser at the Moose Lodge. My DIL picked up two chicken halves
for me, but saw a man holding a sign saying "I'm starving" so she
gave him one of the halves. Later, there was a lot of left over
chicken, so my son and grandson went out looking for homeless folks
to give it to. They also ran into some people who wanted to buy some,
so they made some more money for scouts and still had chicken to give
I'm remembering when my son was little and his grandparents overdid
it in the candy department. We decorated real hardboiled eggs, so
there would be something healthy included in what we were giving
away. We loaded up a red wagon and took "Easter" to a nearby family
recommended to us by a friend in Social Services (this was in pre-
HIPPA days).
I am so blessed to have a family - however small it may be - to share
and pass on such wonderful experiences.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
To spend money.
A catalog for comfortable shoes. (Can I buy the pretty feet too?)
The commercials on Live365. They would go away if I paid a monthly fee. (I only recently downgraded - and no, I don't listen often enough to make it worth the money. Oh, I don't have the money anyways.)
I'm trying to figure out the hairdresser's pricing. There is an on-line menu.
I have no idea what they are talking about. I am certain of who I want to cut my hair, because a woman I work with gets her hair cut there and her style is exactly what I'm looking for. But I don't have money for ANY extras. I could simply tell her my situation. But do I want to put my financial welfare in the hands of a woman holding very sharp objects?
... later. The haircut was priced right and it turned out great, don't you agree?
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
A day to start with
I just keep accumulating information. Tomorrow is Maundy Thursday. When I was a kid, I thought grandma was saying Monday Thursday. So I looked stuff up.
I looked up information about foot washing too. I want to go to a "Love Feast and Communion" at a church I don't know very well. Is that a meal or a cracker? I'm hoping they'll have a foot washing but I can't tell. How much information would make me feel comfortable?